The Henson Journals

2nd earl of Selborne, William Waldegrave Palmer

William Palmer (1859-1942; ODNB), 2nd earl of Selborne; liberal unionist politician and leading lay churchman. University Coll., Oxford; m. Maud Cecil, so part of the Cecil 'cousinage' ; father of Lord Wolmer; first lord of the admiralty, 1900-5; governor, Transvaal and high commissioner for South Africa, 1905-10; chairman, Archbishops' Committee on Church and State, 1913-17, which recommended the introduction of what became 'The Enabling Act', 1919; warden of Winchester College, 1920-5; member of numerous church bodies, and chairman, house of laity in the Church Assembly from 1924. See also Volume 67.

Journal references: 47

See also Palmer, Mabel Georgina; Palmer, Robert; Palmer, Lord Wolmer, 3rd earl of Selborne, Roundell Cecil