The Henson Journals

Wed 31 October 1917

Volume 22, Pages 25 to 26


Wednesday, October 31st, 1917.

1185th day

Last night in the evening paper there was a paragraph extracted from the "Daily Chronicle", saying that my name was being talked of for the vacant bishoprick! This morning the Newcastle paper prints a longer paragraph from the "London correspondent" of the "Glasgow Herald" to the same effect. This is abominably annoying from every point of view, & my unfriends could not do me more effectual injury than to put about such statements. I wrote to Pearce about the R.C.C. asking whether he wd second my amendment, & taking occasion to tell him frankly that if, Bristol were offered to me , I must needs decline it, as being too ill–endowed for me to hold. Hadow went off after breakfast. I attended Mattins and Evensong. In the afternoon I travelled to South Shields, & there made a speech to the "Public Health Society" & others in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Blgs. on "Housing as the first step in Social Reconstruction". Mr Cochrane, the local M.P. presided, & was supported by the Mayors of Tynemouth and South Shields. There was, I should judge, a good attendance. I observed with some interest & concern that an artisan who addressed the meeting after I had concluded, made allusion to what he alleged be ill–conditions in some pits owned by the Dean & Chapter. But we own no pits at all. Mrs Cochrane & I returned by the same train as far as Gateshead, when she went to Newcastle, & I to Durham. The view of the Cathedral & Castle in the brilliant moonlight was ravishingly beautiful.


To A. C. Benson Esq

Nov. 1st 1917

Dear Mr Benson,

It is felt by some of us that, in present circumstances, much good wd be done if a letter were sent to the "Times" & other papers, signed by some representative laymen & clergy, setting out in calm terms the value & meaning of the National Church as we in England have received it from the past, & pleading for some larger & more sympathetic handling of the "reconstruction", if that is to be undertaken, than is indicated by the Report of Lord Selborne's Ctee & by the programme of the so–called "Life & Liberty" movement.

The Bishop of Manchester, Lord Portsmouth, Principal Hadow, & some others whom I was able to consult were agreed with me in thinking that no one cd better draft, or more fitly be asked to draft such a letter, than yourself. I am writing, therefore, to ask whether you can see you way to do this, & generally for your opinion on the matter.

Believe me, Sincerely yrs,

H. Hensley Henson.

P.S. In case you may not have seen it, I take leave to send you a copy of the Bishop of Manchester's careful & suggestive examination of the recommendations of Lord Selborne's Report.