The Henson Journals

Mon 8 October 1917

Volume 21, Page 194


Monday, October 8th, 1917.

1162nd day

I wrote to the Bishop of Manchester asking what course he proposed to adopt at the R.P.C., and professing my willingness to co–operate as far as possible: also to the Archdeacon of Winchester asking whether he would support the "Baptismal Franchise". I wrote also a number of other letters, wasting thus most of the day. The old parson. Mr Young, Knowling & his niece came to dine: Gee came in after dinner. He is very full of the air–raids, through which he has lived. He says that the panic of the East End aliens was embarrassing and pathetic.

Of course, as I conjectured, he started on the subject of the vacant bishoprick. "Everybody in London says that you are going to Hereford", he said: & I rejoined "Then everybody in London is as big an ass as ever". Incidentally he told me that the Archbishops' decision to convene the Representative Church Council was due to the pressure of Lord Selborne & his Committee.