The Henson Journals

Tue 1 October 1918

Volume 23, Page 181


Tuesday, October 1st, 1918.

1519th day

A fine day, miserably wasted in this tiresome and futile Committee. My motion to omit the paragraph about the "inherent" authority of bishops was defeated by 24 to 7. I think there wd have been more votes cast for it, if Lord Selborne had not pleaded for leaving the matter over for the decision of the Representative Church Council. I lunched & dined at the Athenaeum: and after dinner got down vol. VII of Somers's Tracts, and read the famous tract, "The naked Truth, or the true state of the Primitive Church by an Humble Moderator", written by my predecessor Herbert Croft in 1675. It is very good reading, and gives the impression that the author was of a vivacious, candid, original disposition. I attended a meeting of dissentients with a view to framing a Minority Report, but it did not look very promising.