The Henson Journals

Thu 8 January 1925

Volume 38, Page 165


Thursday, January 8th, 1925.

My first business was the following telegram to the Historical Association in Newcastle. It explains itself:

"On returning from London late last night I learned with dismay that, by a gross and inexplicable error, for which I am myself alone responsible, the meeting of the Historical Association had been entered in my calendar under the wrong date. I am extremely sorry, and beg to offer my sincere apologies. Both myself and the manuscript of my address are at the disposal of the Committee".

This evoked the following response.

"Many thanks kind telegram. Can you possibly lecture Armstrong College today 5.30 p.m".

Of course I had to go, though I was feeling very ill, as I must have contracted a chill last night. Ernest accompanied me, & I succeeded in delivering my lecture "On the Gift of Historical Thinking". But it was too much for me, & when I got back to the Castle, I went straight to bed. This was the more annoying as we had a dinner party. Davis & his wife, Rawson & his wife, Spurrier & his mother. They all stayed the night.

Among my letters was one from Jimmie definitely refusing to be ordained. It was expressed in a very sincere, modest fashion, which made me regret the more the decision it conveyed. He would have made a good parson.