The Henson Journals

Wed 7 January 1925

Volume 38, Page 164

[164] [sic]

Wednesday, January 7th, 1925.

Mr Emmott described last night a remarkable silver dish which had been recently fished out of the Tyne, & was now in the possession of the Duke of Northumberland. The experts assigned it to a date as A.D. 200. Lord S. spoke of the relics of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, which had been carried to Russia by the Gar. Paul, were sent in to the South of Russia to avoid capture by the Bolsheviks, & had now been deposited in a Church at Revel. He thought that the Roman branch of the Order would get hold of them.

I spent the morning, & part of the afternoon in the Commission. On the whole we got nearer to the head of the practical problem than ever before, but the nearer we get the more insoluble does the problem appear. I scribbled on an envelope the following observation. "The truth is that on the "Catholick" theory of the Church, you can never get a final spiritual court out of national & provincial authority", & passed it to Justice Sankey, Sir Lewis Dibden, & Chancellor Errington, who all agreed with my proposition. I lunched with Justice Sankey: Later I caught the 5.30 p.m. train at King's Cross. Ld Gainford came into my carriage, & talked for nearly an hour. He is not cheerful about the outlook for mining. Clayton joined the train at York, the car met us at Darlington, and we got back to the Castle about 10.45 p.m.