The Henson Journals

Thu 28 August 1924

Volume 37, Page 163


Thursday, August 28th, 1924.

It cannot at this time be too often repeated, line upon line, precept upon precept, until it comes into the currency of a proverb, – To innovate is not to reform.

Burke 'Letter to a Noble Lord' 1796. (Works. V. 187)

A wet, dismal day. I worked at the Charge, but without much success. It occurred to me to show Burge the two letters which I wrote to William, and to ask him whether he thought they were worth printing. He was insistent that they should be printed, and that they would be really serviceable for young men.

In the afternoon Ella took our guests to Stanhope, where Shebbeare gave them tea. Ernest and I walked in the Park with the dogs. Mr Parry Evans came to dine. He is an old acquaintance of the Bishop of Oxford.