The Henson Journals

Wed 27 August 1924

Volume 37, Page 162


Wednesday, August 27th, 1924.

I made Burge read through so much of the Charge as I have written. He said that he thought that no one could fairly say that it was not both useful, and (blessed word!) constructive. Then Fearne took our guests to see Escomb, while I made a start on the 2nd part of the Charge, viz, the criticism of "Copec". After lunch we (i.e. Ella, the Bishop of Oxford and Mrs Burge) motored to Aycliffe, where the Vicar and Mrs Eade received us with kindness, & showed us the interesting medieval church with its fragments of Anglo–Saxon crosses, its Jacobean benches and pulpit, and its fine tower. Then we had tea, and returned to the Castle. Burge and I walked and talked for an hour in the Park before dinner. Shebbeare from Stanhope arrived to spend the night. We had some interesting conversation about "Copec". Burge tells me that Shebbeare has been appointed to a Lectureship at Oxford. In view of the fact that, on the ground of poverty, he has dismissed his assistant curate, and is "working" a scattered parish of 2500 people with no more than occasional help, I am not at all sure that he is morally free to undertake additional duties. The net value of his benefice is set down at £1165 per annum. He is an extremely bad man of business, and, though I doubt not that he visits the parishioners, & is personally liked by them, I feel sure that they take account of the reduction of staff, and make comments which are not flattering to the Church.