The Henson Journals

Tue 5 June 1923

Volume 35, Page 80


Tuesday, June 5th, 1923.


I celebrated Holy Communion in Houghton Church. Fifteen of the clergy communicated. We all breakfasted together in the Rectory, and, at 10.30 a.m., returned to the Church for the devotional service. Knight read Bishop Ridding's "Litany of Remembrance", and I gave the address. The clergy afterwards asked me to have it printed, so that I incline to think they were impressed. Next came a discussion of the Marriage Laws in Knight's study. This was distinctly pleasing: the clergy showing much more candour and good sense than I expected. Lunch followed, at which my health was drunk. There was a garden party in the afternoon, but this was interfered with by the rain. At 7 p.m. I addressed a large gathering of Parochial Church Councillors in the school room on Prayer book Revision. Questions were asked, & I answered them. Then William and Clayton arrived with the car, & carried me back to Auckland where I arrived about 9.30 p.m.

On the whole I consider the visitation of the Houghton Deanery was satisfactory. Of the 17 parishes two are vacant, of the remainder only two were unrepresented viz. Rainton and New Seaham. The incumbent of the first is an epileptic: of the last the Vicar was absent on holiday. There was a very good spirit disclosed, and evidently Knight is warmly regarded by all.