The Henson Journals

Mon 4 June 1923

Volume 35, Page 79


Monday, June 4th, 1923.

Shortly then, I doubt not but I may, notwithstanding great authorities to the contrary, safely resolve that in the case of divorce it is lawful for the innocent party to marry. But for that I find the Church of England hitherto somewhat tender in the point, & this practice, where it rarely falls, generally held, though not sinful, yet of ill report, & obnoxious to various censures; I should therefore earnestly advise & exhort those whom it might concern carefully & effectively to apply themselves to the forementioned remedies: reconciliation, if it be possible, to prevent a divorce; holy endeavours of a continued continence, if it be attained, to prevent a second marriage after divorce. But if these prevail not, I dare not lay a load upon any man's conscience which God hath not burdened: I dare not ensnare those whom God will have free.

Bishop Hall. Works. Vii.379.

A sharp attack of lumbago as a result of yesterday's functions. Notwithstanding this handicap, I motored to Houghton–le–Spring to carry out my "visitation" of that Rural Deanery. The weather continued damp and chilly, and I left my fire–side very reluctantly.