The Henson Journals

Sun 6 May 1923

Volume 35, Page 43


Rogation Sunday, May 6th, 1923.

O Lord, from whom all good things do come; Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that be good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.


This is a very perfect little sweet prayer for personal use. It can go into the singular without any straining, & it does just utter what one feels.

After the rain last night the sun is again shining gloriously: the air is soft and genial: the country gleams with the hope & vitality of the spring. Who would live in towns who could live his life out of them?

Ernest went with me to Shildon where I celebrated the Holy Communion & preached by way of formally inaugurating the six days mission of Devotion & Instruction which has been arranged in this Rural Deanery. There was a considerable number of communicants, and, if the atmosphere had not been asphyxiating, the service would have been apparently successful.

The Freemasons' Service in the Chapel was attended by something over 300 men, & was, I think, very successful. The singing was very impressive, & the collection for the Durham Charities amounted to £20 .

I preached in New Shildon Church at Evensong to a crowded congregation. Watts carried the pastoral staff, & read the lessons. Shaddick read the service; and I preached. On the whole I think the mission has made a good start in these parishes. After dinner I had a "heart to heart" talk with Ernest.