The Henson Journals

Sat 5 May 1923

Volume 35, Page 42


Saturday, May 5th, 1923.


A party organ, suppressing some facts, misrepresenting others, is the worst of all guides, because it can by incessantly reiterating untruth produce a greater impression than any man or body of men, save only ecclesiastics clothed with a spiritual authority, could produce before printing was invented.

Bryce. Mod. Dem. i. 82

Apply this to the case of young "Anglo–Catholics" who devour the 'Church Times', & see the Bishop of Durham in the light of its venomous belittlement & misrepresentation. I cannot doubt that the injury inflicted is both considerable and irreparable. Even if the victim attempt to correct the falsehood or remove the false impression, his correction can only appear after the mischief has been done, & if it secure any attention at all, it will hardly gain credit from those who have accepted and circulated the falsehood. The only reasonable & the only self–respecting course is to ignore these wretched journals in the hope that they will overreach themselves. "Magna est veritas et proevalebit." That is probably true in the long run, but in the haste & hustle of the modern world nobody has time or mind to wait for the slow reflections of experience!