The Henson Journals

Mon 7 May 1923

Volume 35, Page 44


Monday, May 7th, 1923.

He who has tasted eternal life is not wont to be troubled in heart about the question of his personal survival; for such survival would mean nothing to him, if he were separated from the object in which he has found his true life. His immortality lies for him in his union with the eternal object on which his affections are set, and he seeks no other assurance.

Pringle Pattison

Gee came to see me. He appeared to be well and cheerful. Headlam seems to be making a good start in his diocese. I motored to Gainford, & there confirmed over 70 candidates. Old Mr Watson, the Vicar, has been in that parish for nearly 23 years: he is 82 years old, & grows forgetful. We went on to Barnard Castle, and there I confirmed 73 candidates. Both these confirmations were satisfactory, save for the Bishop's addresses, who do not improve! We returned to the Castle after the service, arriving a little before 9 p.m.