The Henson Journals

Fri 6 January 1922

Volume 31, Page 111


Friday, January 6th, 1922.

I spent the whole morning in writing letters. After lunch I motored to Burnmoor, & took part in the funeral of Mr Reynolds the Vicar, who died suddenly a few days ago. There was a considerable gathering of the clergy. Knight, as Rural Dean, read the service in the Church, and I took the graveside prayers. A large number of Odd–fellows attended, & performed a curious little ceremonial of their own after the regular service had ended. I remained in order not to appear discourteous, but it was mortally cold. After service I returned by way of Houghton in order to carry Knight home. The car ran out of petrol, & our return journey was delayed. Lord Thurlow, who was with me, got back on a motor–bus: but William & I caught him up. The papers are filled with accounts of the great fire in West Hartlepool, which has rendered 1000 people homeless, and destroyed property worth £1000,000. Ella, Fearne, Lucie, & Ernest motored into Durham to attend a party given by the Ellershaws at the Castle.