The Henson Journals

Thu 5 January 1922

Volume 31, Page 111


Thursday, January 5th, 1922.

I packed my bag, and left Park Lane. Leaving the bag at the Club, I went on to Westminster, and attended the Committee until 3.45 p.m., lunching at the Club. I caught the 5.30 p.m. express at King's Cross, and travelled comfortably, save for the cold, to Darlington where William met me with the car. I relieved the journey by reading Raleigh's "Annals of the Church of Scotland", which deals with John Knox admirably. I suspect that the amour propre of the Scots will be wounded by such candid handling of "the Apostle of Scotland". But Raleigh's long absence from Scotland, & his personal intercourse with Anglicans had gone far to disintegrate his ancestral presbyterianism. He was a regular communicant in the Church of England, and had drawn away both from the churchmanship and from the politics of his native country. Before going to bed I signed a large number of labels for prizes in a "Walter Scott competition" in Edinburgh. This duty attached to my office as President of the Walter Scott Association.