The Henson Journals

Wed 4 January 1922

Volume 31, Page 110


Wednesday, January 4th, 1922.

I walked to the Club, and read the papers: then went on to Westminster and attended the Committee. There I continued with an interval for lunch from 11 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. Mostly the time was occupied by Headlam's examination of Downing, which was enlivened by a kind of running duel between him and Dibdin. I lunched with Nickson, at his Club, and dined in Dean's Yard with Charles. Storr & Barnes were there, and we had much interesting talk. They both sang the praises of the Christian Student Movement, and pressed me to attend their gathering at Swanwick. But I would not pledge myself to do anything so repugnant to my tastes and habits! I was pleased to see that all three men, in their several ways all liberal and all distinguished, were both happy and hopeful. Charles is childishly delighted with any compliment to his book on the "Apocalypse"! To speak sooth, he tends to be rather boring on that subject: it is, however, preferable to its invariable alternative – his bodily ailments! A hypochondriacal savant is "a difficult proposition"! Vernon Storr is certainly a very attractive fellow, and Barnes has real ability. Altogether, they form a trinity of Anglican divines not to be easily matched in England. [I received a letter from Mr Pringle, civilly declining my offer of Bishop Auckland. He would like to come, but doesn't feel free in conscience to leave his present work. Would it be worth while to attempt to shake this decision?]

Lord Cave asked if he might confiscate the sheet, which I had covered with faces after the fashion in which I am wont to mitigate the boredom of meetings. He seemed pleased with this evidence of the frivolity of a hierarch! He makes an excellent chairman, intervening but rarely, but then with effect. I take advantage of my position at his right hand to tell him various things he is not likely to hear from any other members of the Committee. He seems disposed to receive these communications in good part.