The Henson Journals

Fri 12 December 1919

Volume 26, Page 67


Friday, December 12th, 1919.


I wrote to Carissima, & then turned to the proofs of the Memoir. I wrote to Curzon, & returned his letters; also to Ker sending him proofs to read; and to Sanday, making suggestions. I wrote to the Secretary of the Press, assenting to his proposal that Madan shd be asked to add some notes of references to Oxford phenomena.

Godfrey sends me a pamphlet which he has written on "The Church of England". It contains some very good things, and a quotation from one of my sermons.

Rashdall's 'Bampton Lectures' have come at last. Preached in 1915, they only appear in 1919. A learned volume of 500 pages. He is able to say in the Preface that "except in the case of St Augustine he has read through all the writings of the Fathers, whom he has dealt with at any length in the lectures', and that 'in his case he has read, he believes, all that was relevant to his subject'. This statement implies a very noble view of the teacher's duty, and rebukes the facile quotation at 2nd hand, which, I fear, is the habit of most 'preachers & teachers' at the present time. May God forgive us the shallowness & insincerity of our work!