The Henson Journals

Thu 11 December 1919

Volume 26, Page 66


Thursday, December 11th, 1919.


I spent the morning, or misspent it, in writing a letter to the "Times" headed, "The Passing of a Bill and the Passing away of an Ideal". It was only a mourning wreath laid on the coffin of the National church! I want to set people thinking though the time has gone by for action; but something will have been gained if the new "National Assembly" is forced to take a humbler note. The "Literary Supplement" has a friendly notice of "The Naked Truth" headed "Two Bishops of Hereford".

After lunch Ella and I motored to Kington, and there I confirmed about 30 candidates. Later I attended a performance of "Eager Heart" by the G. F. S. girls in the Town Hall. It was prettily arranged but the bad enunciation of the performers made it quite impossible to understand anything that they said. Seven new volumes of the Loeb classics arrived. Thucydides, Homer, & Livy have now come into the series. When (if I live) I have to retire into a cottage or even into lodgings I shall possess in the Loeb classics a portable library of excellent range & quality wherewith to relieve the toedium of senility!