The Henson Journals

Sat 13 December 1919

Volume 26, Page 68


Saturday, December 13th, 1919.


Rashdall sends me his Bampton Lectures: and Streeter send his volume on the "Spirit" which has been written by a series of authors under his editorship. Both these volumes represent considerable knowledge, and intellectual vitality. Add Inge's very notable volumes on Plotinus, & his "Outspoken Essays", which are, perhaps, even more indicative of mental & moral power. All these authors are strongly opposed to the "Enabling Bill", and the type of religion which it expresses. And herein, I apprehend that they are really representative of the abler English clergy. The desire for practical reforms, & the circumstance that many of the liberal thinkers are also political Liberals, with whom a merely denominational view of the Church is habitual, have led many of our abler men to acquiesce in the Bill, and even to support it; but there can be no doubt that it represents the triumph of the lower elements in the hierarchy organized & led by the 'Tractarians'.

I travelled to Bristol in order to spend the week–end with the Bishop, and to preach twice in his city. He met me with his little car, and carried me through the rain to his palace, where we had much talk.