The Henson Journals

Thu 17 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 66


Thursday, July 17th, 1919.

Dear Mr N.

I shall be prepared to sanction a suitable exchange. It does certainly seem to me desirable that you shd leave Leominster on the first convenient opportunity. For some reason or other, & my knowledge of the relevant facts is too light to enable me to pass a judgment, you do not succeed in commanding the confidence & respect of the Leominster people in a degree sufficient to make a pastoral ministry acceptable. It is, I can see, a difficult parish, but the Church ought not to be so prostrate as it appears to be. In saying this I am not distributing censure, but merely stating the facts of the case.

Believe me,

Yours v. faithfully

H. H. Hereford

I celebrated the Holy Communion in the Cathedral. Both Archdeacons, & 19 Rural Deans communicated. Then we all had breakfast. The conference was resumed at 11.15 a.m., & continued until lunch: after which the party dispersed. Then the Standing Ctee of the Diocesan Conference met in the dining room.