The Henson Journals

Wed 16 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 65


Wednesday, July 16th, 1919.

Mr Richard H. Teed writes to say that the 39 Articles are his principal stumbling–block:

"I can hardly reconcile a nominal adherence to these Articles, which I do not believe in their clear intended meaning, with a genuine sincerity."

I wrote to point out some considerations which ought to be carefully weighed, and which did in my judgment make a sincere subscription to the Articles possible.

Then I spent some time in putting together a note on the 'Readers', who played a not unimportant part in the Elizabethan Church.

Buckingham lunched with me. I counselled him to give old Mr Bulmer formal notice from August 1st. This may, perhaps, induce a much overdue resignation.

Ella returned about tea–time, & then the Rural Deans began to arrive. The first conference began at 6 p.m. and continued to 7.30 p.m. At 8 p.m. everybody dined in the Hall, which makes a very good dining room. Then we walked & talked in the garden until 10 p.m., when we went to the Chapel for prayers. Staying in the Palace were Wright, Stallard–Penoyre, Lushington, Brown, and Lloyd–Kenyon. We went to bed at 11.30 p.m.