The Henson Journals

Fri 18 July 1919

Volume 25, Page 67


Friday, July 18th, 1919.


Dr Maples came to see me with reference to the Jarvis Trust school at Staunton–on–Wye. He made out a good case for rejecting Mr Nield's scheme for a college of boarders. The cost of the requisite building would be prohibitive, & there could be no reasonable probability of securing students.

The "Times" publishes my letter on the Prohibition Crusade, which has been announced as a consequence of the success of the Prohibitionists in America.

William came to report himself. He enters on his duties as my chauffeur tomorrow. It is rather an experiment, but I like the youth, and, if he turns out a success, he will have made a good start in a useful way of life.

The new book on the 39 Articles by Bicknell, the V.P. of Cuddeson, came to me. It is a creditable piece of work, though, of course, written from the neo–Tractarian point of view. He refers to the very interesting letter of Dr Hort to Mr H. Brinton written in 1886 on the subject of subscription. It is printed in the 'Life' vol. ii, p. 324ff. "Thus one may say that for at least 2 1/2 centuries these Articles have been accepted by at least the greatest part of the English clergy rather for their general purport than for all their details of language." It is odd to notice that the articles which were most questioned in 1886 were still the old Calvinistical ones wh nobody bothers about now.