The Henson Journals

Fri 14 February 1919

Volume 24, Page 73


Friday, February 14th, 1919.


An unpleasant fog lasted until past noon, then fine and much warmer. The frost has broken at last. Our proceedings began with the reading by the Archbishop of a terrible message from the Russian Archbishops, telling of the persecution to which the Church is subjected by the Bolshevists, who are violently suppressing Christianity wherever they go. Then I resumed the debate on our relations with the Nonconformists, & answered seriatim the 5 objections which Gore had advanced overnight. The discussion went on until after lunch, & then ended lamely in the appointment of another joint Ctee, from which, at our own request, both Gore & I were omitted.The Archbishop asked me to walk with him. He told me that the Bishop of Zanzibar threatened a schism over my consecration, & that the matter wd probably come to a head in the next Lambeth Conference. I dined with Miss Mundella. Dorothea & Sir Robert Younger made up the party. We had much pleasant conversation. Y. told us that Finlay first heard of his dismissal from the Lord Chancellorship when he read in the newspapers that F. E. Smith had been appointed to succeed him. This gives an ill impression of the Prime Minister's mode of treating his colleagues.