The Henson Journals

Sat 15 February 1919

Volume 24, Page 74


Saturday, February 15th, 1919.


The "Daily Graphic" reporter came to me at the Athenaeum, and "interviewed" me on the subject of the miners, having taken occasion from the few observations which I made in the Convocation. For a quarter of an hour I improvised flatterous platitudes for his benefit. Then I walked to S. Andrew's, Wells Street, and had some talk with Knight. He told me that he had had speech with Lord Wolmer, & found him extremely confident as to the prospects of the "Enabling Bill". He was shown a list of 300 members of parliament, who had promised to support it. The plan is to get the Bill hustled into law this year. I cannot believe that this is possible, & yet the situation is so extraordinary that I cannot feel very sure about anything. I undertook to write something for the "Times" forthwith. After lunching at the Athenaeum, I went off to Paddington. Just as I was leaving, Curzon drove up, & I exchanged a few words with him. "How are things really going?" I asked: "Oh, well enough", he said, "if we cd get rid of Wilson. He's well enough, of course: but also a terrible nuisance!" I can understand that the presence of a doctrinaire, equally impracticable and powerful, must be enormously disconcerting to the diplomatists. The League of Nations scheme is drafted & published.