The Henson Journals

Wed 12 February 1919

Volume 24, Page 71


Wednesday, February 12th, 1919.


The frost continues with more than a suspicion of fog. I spent the day in the Convocation house, where the debate was uncommonly dull. I forgot my engagement to lunch with Bevan, & lunched in the Church House.During the afternoon we had a discussion on the proposed permission to women to do in the churches all that laymen may do. Gore proposed a "principle" which I ridiculed as nothing of the kind! We came to no vote, but were to refer the matter to a Joint Ctee.There was a breeze at the last minute, when most of the bishops had left, over an amendment to the address which the Lower House proposed. It made a truculent reference to the demand for self–government. I protested against the intrusion of contentious matter into a formal document, & Gore vigourously defended it. Finally, two bishops were entrusted with the task of drafting something which should satisfy the Lower House without being actually offensive. I called on Lady Londonderry and had tea with her. Then I returned to the Club, and after writing some letters, dined with the Bishop of Southampton. Athelstan Riley, in a high state of excitement, told me that he was standing for Oxford University!! Oman seemed to think that there might be some difficulty in finding anyone to oppose him. But I will not believe that the University could sink to Riley!