The Henson Journals

Tue 11 February 1919

Volume 24, Page 70


Tuesday, February 11th, 1919.

A fine but very cold day with some threatenings of fog. After breakfasting in the hotel, and getting shaved. I walked to Westminster, & attended the opening of Convocation. Ryle, Dean of Westminster, was admitted Prolocutor in the place of Stocks. I visited the dentist, & then returned to the Church House, & spent the afternoon in the Convocation. Godfrey fetched me away at 5 p.m. to the House of Lords, where I sate on the steps of the Throne for a few minutes, watching the debate on the address. It is sad to think that I shall probably never get any farther into the House before the Bishops are clean swept out of it! Then I walked to the Club & wrote to Ella. I wound up the day by dining with Ernest & his sister. Nickson was there, and we had a good deal of talk. He told me that during the 4 years since he has been Bishop of Bristol he has spent about £4000 of private income, so that, if there had been no pension to his predecessor, he would have just managed to live on the official income. Of course these four years have not been normal; hospitality has almost ceased: & a Bishop has moved about as little as possible.