The Henson Journals

Fri 13 December 1918

Volume 24, Page 15


Friday, December 12 [sic] ^13^th, 1918.

Another day in bed, more disgusting than ever. Beattie, the new Vicar of S. Martin's i.e. the man who is intended to become so, came to see me. He left a very favourable impression.

Hassall sent me £7:10:0 as my share of the profits of "Constitutional Essays", to which I contributed in 1886 – 32 years ago!


Ernest arrived from Salonika on three weeks leave. He has an unchanged appearance in spite of the rough experiences which he has traversed. He is now encountered, or will be shortly, by the repulsive necessity of finding a civil career: and neither his abilities nor his training give any clear promise of success. Then the fact that he has engaged himself to marry some Salonikan beauty does not assist his quest.