The Henson Journals

Wed 20 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 218


Wednesday, November 20th, 1918.

I received a telegram from Beattie in these rather cryptic terms: "Received wire regret must reconsider decision impossible House Family for had just written writing again". This presumably expresses the effect of his wife's telegram of protest. Mrs Beattie came to lunch, and we talked over the matter. It does not appear that the difficulties are really insurmountable. We agreed to send the vacillating divine a further telegram in these terms:– "Have seen Bishop; we both think decision should be postponed till your return". I have no greater loathing for anything than for indecision! After lunch I attended a meeting of the Diocesan Council for Rescue Work &c., over which the Archdeacon presided. Then I walked for an hour with Lilley. Finally I returned to my room, & started working at the Advent Lectures. Mainly a wasted day.