The Henson Journals

Tue 19 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 217


Tuesday, November 19th, 1918.

Canon Talbot Rice left after breakfast. Of the 3 Ordination candidates two "cried off" on the plea of sickness so that only Scott turned up for examination. He worked all the morning, and lunched with us. Mrs Wood Acton called, and had an interview with me. I was interested to learn that she was a member of the Surtees Family, so well–known in the North. Ella and I "looked in" at the meeting of the Mothers' Union Council, & I made a short speech. After lunch, we walked by the river. Then I worked at the Anson papers with woefully small result. The Archdeacon, who had spent the day at Ludlow, returned to spend the night here.