The Henson Journals

Wed 13 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 214


Wednesday, November 13th, 1918.

1563rd day

There lay a heavy white mist on the city all day long, ever getting thicker. I was much interrupted all the morning, and wrote many letters. Thus the time slipped away. After luncheon the clergy of the Hereford Rural Deanery met in the library, and discussed the place of Holy Communion in the Sunday services. Ella gave them tea afterwards in the Drawing Room. A farmer from Weobley, Mr Berry, came to see me. He complained that the parson, who is taking Beattie's place, has started lighting candles &c &c. I did my best to calm the good man. Streeter arrived, & stayed the night. Miss Higson came to dinner. She is a comparatively sane exponent of the "Purity" cause, though (of course) like the whole reforming sister–hood full–charged with feminist nonsense, which now carries all before it in church and State.