The Henson Journals

Fri 20 September 1918

Volume 23, Page 170


Friday, September 20th, 1918.

1509th day

The day began well, but steadily deteriorated, & wound up as wet as ever. At noon I left the Palace with Lilley & moored to Madeley, where the clergy of the Rural Deanery of Wenlock had assembled to meet us. On the way we stopped at Stoke, & lunched with Lord Wenlock. The Vicar of Stoke, Rev. H. J. C. Burton, was there in khaki, a young man with an earnest manner & an impossible nose! I discussed with the clergy at Madeley the question of services on Sunday. There was unanimity on one point viz: that the services are too long. We left at 5.45 p.m. and reached Hereford at about 8.45 p.m. 54 miles in 3 hours.