The Henson Journals

Thu 19 September 1918

Volume 23, Page 170


Thursday, September 19th, 1918.

1508th day

The day was fine, save for the occasional shower, but much colder. I spent the morning in futile work on the Lecture. After lunch I motored with Ella and Kitty to Ledbury, and there called on the Vicar, Carnegy. He showed us the parish church, which is on a grand scale, & full of interest. Also we visited St. Katherine's Hospital. On our way home we called on Mr Riley, the brother (I think) of the redoubtable Athelstan. This is the man who opposed my confirmation as bishop, but none the less I called on him & found him a dull man who keeps many bullocks! Our homeward way was lightened by a beautiful rainbow. The authorities allow us no more than 30 tons of coal for the whole year. Bateman says that the consumption last year was no less than 80 tons.