The Henson Journals

Fri 12 July 1918

Volume 23, Page 85


Friday, July 12th, 1918.

1439th day

The morning was spent at the Palace mostly in clearing off correspondence, & preparing notes for my address on Sunday. I lunched alone, as Ella had gone to open some Sale of Work. Then I motored to Staunton–on–Wye, & attended the meeting of the Jarvis Trustees. There was only formal business, & my time was wasted.

The Bishop of Chichester writes: "I shd like to dissociate myself from the line taken yesterday by the Bp. of Chelmsford in Convocation. In common with others of the bishops I deprecate the speech he made, & regret he was allowed to do more than present the petition entrusted to him. The line taken is in my judgement lowering to the dignity & influence of the Church. This or course requires no reply, but I wish to deliver my soul as the oldest in years of the bishops on the bench".

Colonel Banon came to see me about recruiting for W.A.A.C.s. Ella and I dined with James. The Judge, & Mrs Humphries were there, & we had a pleasant evening.