The Henson Journals

Wed 3 July 1918

Volume 23, Page 77


Wednesday, July 3rd, 1918.

1430th day

This day was frittered away in the solemn trifling which is grandly described as "episcopal work". Hardly had I settled myself in my study before the Archdeacon of Hereford appeared, & held me with a mass of what he calls "business" until Wynne–Willson came to settle about the functions next Sunday, and then I had a meeting of the Hereford Schools Association. Lunch was hastily consumed, & then came another meeting – the Church Building Association – followed by the Board of Finance. Hardly had I emerged from these meetings before I had to face the lady correspondent of the School at Ashperton, who came with a perfect Baruch–roll of complaint against the Vicar of that parish, a man named Randle. I wrote many letters, and charged Norcock to write many more.