The Henson Journals

Thu 9 May 1918

Volume 23, Page 20


Ascension Day, May 9th, 1918.

1375th day

Grant to me, Lord, the power to rise above the petty personal aspects of my present life, and to see all things in the light of Thy Truth. Make possible to me such a ministry in this place as shall answer to Thy call, and set forward Thy Purpose. May I "in heart and mind" ascend into the spiritual country & there "with Thee continually dwell" though now my way lies in miry places & through a difficult land! Give me, O Lord, a passion for Truth and make me strong against all falsehood within and without. Be with me in the way I must go, and strengthen me against the spiritual enemy. This I pray in Thy Name, Who ever prayest for Thy People in the Heavenly Places. Amen.

Another brilliant morning very comforting and congruous with the Festival. I went to the Cathedral & celebrated at 8.15 a.m. There were 30 communicants. The whole morning was wasted in writing a long letter to Dr Selbie, one of the signatories of the "2nd Interim Report" on Christian Unity, but I doubt whether it shd be sent. At noon Mrs Dillon came to see me, and I confirmed her with about 80 others in the Cathedral at 2.15 p.m. The service was devout and I hope edifying. The local congregationalist minister, Mr Edgar Bowen came to see me. He says that there is a general willingness to accept episcopacy among the younger ministers of his denomination: but he had no particular affection for Dr Forsyth. I was not unfavourably impressed by this young man.