The Henson Journals

Wed 8 May 1918

Volume 23, Page 19


Wednesday, May 8th, 1918.

1374th day

I was interrupted by Lady Lawrence & Mrs Warburton who came to see me about the clubs. They are evidently "up against" the county authorities. I told them to be placable. Then came Moore of St Peter's who is "up against" his rural dean, & quite extraordinarily hard to bring into a Christian temper!

We started in the motor about noon, and travelled as far as Ludlow. Here we lunched at the "Feathers", a wonderful old timbered house where but a little imagination re–created the society of Tudors and Stuarts. We resumed our journey shortly after 2 p.m. and motored viâ Craven Arms to Bishop's Castle, passing through Stokesay & admiring the group of buildings which give it distinction – the moated Manor house & the church. At Bishop's Castle I first confirmed a poor sick woman in her house, and then went to the parish church (a new structure) & confirmed 26 candidates. My address was based on the words – "So speak ye & so do as men who are to be judged by a law of liberty". We had tea in the Vicarage. The Vicar, Warner, afterwards explained to me "Wrights Charity" of which the Bishop of the Diocese is the sole trustee. We motored back to Hereford with no worse mishap than losing our way once. The weather was brilliantly fine, and the country beautiful beyond description. After dinner Archdeacon Ingram came in to see me. He designs some changes in the order of the services tomorrow, but I disclaimed all concern with that matter as being a domestic concern of the Dean & Chapter. I undertook to celebrate at 8 a.m.