The Henson Journals

Fri 10 May 1918

Volume 23, Page 21


Friday, May 10th, 1918.

1376th day

Another brilliant day. I worked at a Sermon for St Martin's in the Fields on "Reunion". Ella went to Ledbury to lunch with the Bannisters. Mr Rocke the Rector of Clungunford came to see me. He asked, and received, permission to accept appointment as a motor–driver. The local paper has a letter abusively expressed on what it is pleased to call my attack on Bishop Gore!! Against this must be placed a letter from a chaplain in France. My Lord.

As one of the Chaplains in France may I say how delighted I am to see that you preached at the Bloomsbury Baptist Chapel, a few days ago. In your sermon you said "I have some doubt as to whether I represent the clergy, but I am absolutely convinced that I represent the laity". My I say that a large number of the Chaplains out here are entirely with you, and are most thankful to you, & pray that you will continue to work for unity (not uniformity). The soldiers are tired of petty jealousies & want reality, & some of my happiest hours out here have been when various denominations have worshipped together, & on several occasions have taken part in the Holy Communion. I only write that you may know that the Chaplains here are working for unity & that your hands may be strengthened as the "Bridge–maker".

I have the honour to remain, my Lord Bishop.

Faithfully yours

E. C. Campbell.