The Henson Journals

Fri 12 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 219


Friday, April 12th, 1918.

1348th day

I walked to Westminster, and called on Caröe. He told me that he was staying in Ludlow with his family for a short space. After explaining to him the situation at the Palace, & arranging for him to visit the house on Monday, I took my leave, and called on Gamble. Miss Troutbeck met me in the Yard, & told me that the "Church Times" had offensive references to me in a recent issue! I walked to Bloomsbury, and saw a vast placard outside the Baptist Church, announcing my visit. Then I lunched with Ernest in the Athenaeum, & had some talk with Buckle, and Gibbs. Later I went to Birchington, where I was affectionately welcomed by the good ladies.