The Henson Journals

Sat 13 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 219


Saturday, April 13th, 1918.

1349th day

The weather became dull and cold, with a biting north–easterly wind. Reports from the Front are not encouraging. In spite of the most heroic resistance, the German masses slowly forge forward. No losses can stop them yet. I revised a sermon for use on Tuesday, and wrote letters to Ella, Wynne Willson, Arthur, Ernest, and Balfour Wilson. Also I sent a telegram to Ella, telling of Caröe's intended arrival on Monday. I walked round Minnis Bay, & noticed several guns in position on the cliffs. In the afternoon Marion took me for a walk in the direction of Westgate, but the cold, comfortless weather did not invite a continuation of our walk, & we soon returned home.