The Henson Journals

Thu 11 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 218


Thursday, April 11th, 1918.

1347th day

I breakfasted at the Athenaeum, & afterwards wrote a letter to the "Times". In the announcement of deaths, there appeared the name of that quaint but kindly person, Sir Peile Thompson, with whom I was to have been staying had it not been for the meetings of the Church & State Committee. I spent the morning at Westminster attending the said meeting, & there was a sharp episode between the Dean of Lincoln & myself. I lunched with Rashdall at the Club, & afterwards walked with him for an hour. Then I returned to the Club, & wrote letters. The damp, dark, depressing weather disinclined me to make calls. I dined at the Club, & afterwards wrote up my Diary. Thus passed a very dull & useless day!