The Henson Journals

Wed 10 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 218


Wednesday, April 10th, 1918.

1346th day

This day was occupied in attendance at the meeting of the Church & State Ctee. We talked at length on the questions raised by Riley & his company, whether the Convocations sh d be preserved in the proposed reconstruction. I lunched with the Pearces, & there heard that Arthur Headlam had been offered, & had accepted, the Regius Professorship at Oxford. The Durham Deanery is still unfilled. I should not be greatly astonished if it were finally bestowed on Ernest Pearce himself. I had intended to have tea with Linetta, but absurdly failed to find her house! Finally, I dined in the Athenaeum, having as my table–companions Sir Henry Newbolt, Oman, & Prof. Turner. We had much pleasant talk on the War.