The Henson Journals

Tue 9 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 217


Tuesday, April 9th, 1918.

1345th day

I went to the barber, & had my hair cut &c: then I walked to Westminster, & called successively on Q.A.B. and the Ecclesiastical Commission with the object of finding out what might be the prospects of a loan for the Palatial drains. As a result of my interview, I wrote a letter to Mr Downing formally applying for a loan. As I was passing S. Margaret's, Westr I met somebody whom I did not know, but whose face was not altogether unfamiliar. He told me that Fred Ramsay had been killed in France, so I called at the Church & found there Mrs Ramsay his mother, whom I consoled as best I could. The afternoon was spent at the Church House, where the Church & State Ctee sate under the conduct of the Dean of Westminster. I called on Miss Pearce.