The Henson Journals

Fri 5 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 215


Friday, April 5th, 1918.

1341st day

The German offensive has been resumed, and the weather has again become brilliant! This reiterated favouritism of the wrong side by the elements which are most completely at the disposal of the Author of all Right is said to perplex the soldiers.

I worked at a sermon, had an interview with a curate who wants to go to the Army as a chaplain, instituted the Rev F. E. Paulley to the Vicarage of Far Forest: visited the Registry in the cathedral porch with Mr James, & was horrified at the decayed condition of the documents which run from the 15th century to the present time: walked with Ella as far as the Mayor's house & failed to find the Mayoress at home: returned to the Palace, & dug in the garden for more than an hour.