The Henson Journals

Thu 4 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 214


Thursday, April 4th, 1918.

1340th day

I worked at another sermon. (Writing sermons without books is worse than making bricks without straw.) Mr Emmott came to see me; as I judge, a man half–crazed. Archdeacon Winnington–Ingram lunched here, and then motored with me to Clodock, where Mr Llewellyn, the vicar, met us, & showed us the parish church, which is in an astonishing state of neglect & decay. The wood–work is an amazing medley of 16th–18th work, all greatly dilapidated. Then we went on to inspect a house, which had been bequeathed to the Ecc: Com: as a vicarage for the Vicar of Crasswall. Again, woeful decay & desolation. Three parsons & their wives came together, viz. Rev: S. M. Bridge, Vicar of Crasswall: Rev. F. G. Llewellyn [Llewellin], V. of Clodock: Rev. W. Head, V. of Brilley w. Michaelchurch. Comparatively young men, married & childless, immured in these wildernesses! We had a pleasant drive back to Hereford in the evening light. The Archdeacon stayed to dinner, & then returned to Bridstow.