The Henson Journals

Sat 6 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 215


Saturday, April 6th, 1918.

1342nd day

Rain fell heavily most of the morning, but the weather improved during the afternoon, & the evening was fine. Mr Whiteside called by appointment, and I offered him the living of Bredwardine with Brobury. He said that his decision would turn on the size of the Vicarage! In the afternoon, Ella and I attended the meeting of the governors of the Herefordshire County Hospital. The business was formal. We went to the Palace, & resumed our labours there. My books are in a weird & inextricable confusion. Two sectaries, the Revd John Thomas, General Secretary Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales, together with a local Sectary, came to see me about what they called a "National Day of Prayer". I was civil enough, but promised nothing!