The Henson Journals

Fri 29 March 1918

Volume 22, Page 211


Good Friday, March 29th, 1918.

1334th day


The morning post brought the episcopal ring presented to me by my late colleagues, the Canons of Durham. It is a replica of the ring of Bishop William of S. Barbara, preserved among the treasures of Durham. I attended Mattins, and heard a sermon from the Dean. Then I sate through the Three Hours Service" from 12 noon to 3 p.m. It was conducted by Canon R. Wylde, & was not (so far as my own experience permits a judgment) very edifying. In order to occupy my mind I read the first 79 psalms. It surprised me to find how well they harmonized with the occasion. Mrs Carden joined us at a kind of premature "high tea" after the service. We walked back with her to her cottage, & then returned to the Close. We went into the Palace garden, which has a woefully neglected appearance. Then I wrote to all the Durham Canons thanking them for the ring.