The Henson Journals

Sun 16 December 1917

Volume 22, Page 84


3rd Sunday in Advent, December 16th, 1917.

1231st day

O God, whose righteous Will is the only rightful Law of my life, grant that in this crisis of my career, I may not mistake the lines of Thy guiding, and set myself unwittingly against Thy holy Purpose. Give me power to overcome resentment against injustice, and to "seek peace & ensue it". Be with me in the difficult days that lie before me, and protect me from my own folly and sin. "Show Thou me the way that I should walk in for I lift up my soul unto Thee".

The weather was so harsh & inclement that I did not venture out of the house, but spent the day in writing letters and reading. Colonel & Mrs Darwin came to my room, and stayed on talking for some time.