The Henson Journals

Sat 15 December 1917

Volume 22, Page 83


Saturday, December 15th, 1917.

1230th day

I was better, but continued in bed, where, however I wrote a few of the more indispensable letters.

A body of clergy in Oxford has passed a resolution of protest against my appointment, & called on the Dean & Chapter of Hereford to refuse election! This, I suppose, is the first beginning of the opposition which may be formidable. The Abp. Of C. evidently expects opposition. The "Church Times" contains a furious leader headed "Unhappy Hereford", and the "Hereford Times" heavily denounces the appointment!

Colonel and Mrs Grimshaw came to tea. I had a conversation on religion with him in my study. After he had departed, I revised the proof of my Edinburgh Article. The Mayor came to see me: and Mr Mead–Falkner. Both in their different ways expressed their regret at my departure, & their hope that I would return in another capacity!