The Henson Journals

Fri 14 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 177


Friday, September 14th, 1917.

1138th day

A bright day throughout, but colder and with some wind. Ella went into Northumberland in order to visit Mrs Runciman. I went to Mattins, & then worked at a sermon for the Harvest Festival at York Minster on October 5th. The Economic Committee met in the dining room at 2.30 p.m., & discussed its Report. Then I walked with Hadow to the station. He gives an interesting account of his visit to Leverholme where he has been singing Welsh songs with the Prime Minister! At the station I was waylaid by an official who asked for a contribution to the Fund for a testimonial to the late station–master, who has been transferred to Sunderland. I gave him a pound. The new station–master is named Parker.