The Henson Journals

Thu 13 September 1917

Volume 21, Page 176


Thursday, September 13th, 1917.

1137th day

The weather appears to have broken: rain fell most of the day. After breakfast I wrote a short letter to the "Times" on the subject of "conscientious objectors". It seemed base to hold one's tongue when these "early Christians" are in gaol! Then I went to Darlington and took part in the formal opening of the new offices of the "Northern Echo". Mr Rowntree, the main proprietor, presided. He is a large, cumbersome man with a ruddy complexion & loose garrulous lips, benevolent, muddle–headed, meddlesome. There was a lunch in the upper room, a large garret: and speeches. Lord Gainford spoke, & Herbert Samuel, & then I spoke. We were supposed to be limited to 4 minutes apiece, but some gave a liberal interpretation to the measure. However, we were all out shortly after 2.30 p.m. I declined an invitation to take part in the proceedings to commemorate the completion of 50 years since the incorporation of Darlington, and returned to the station, where, after nearly an hour's waiting, I got a train to Durham. In the carriage was an officer who had been invalided home from the front. I found him interesting. In the course of our conversation he said that he was himself a Jew, and that he & most of the leading Jews were opposed to the notion of separate Jewish regiments, that they feared such regiments would not distinguish themselves, & thus by their military failure stimulate the anti–Semitic feeling, latent in the popular mind.

The papers report that the Rev. Albert Baillie, vicar & sub–dean of St Michael's Collegiate College, Coventry, and Chaplain to the King, has been appointed to the Deanery of Windsor. He is in his 54th year, and was ordained by Bishop Lightfoot in 1888. He is a brother–in–law of Viscount Boyne, and a grandson of the 7th Earl of Elgin. He was domestic chaplain to Archbishop Davidson, when he (the Abp) was Bishop of Rochester. The appointment seems to be colourless and appropriate. Canons Dalton and Sheppard will have to inter their conflicting aspirations! Will these receive Christian Burial?